Today's the day. Time to add the akajiso (red shiso) leaves to the ume we're pickling…
The first step is to pluck the leaves off the stems.
The air fills with the heady aroma of this wonderful herb…
Next step: out with the aku.
It's always a surprise how much juice comes out of those seemingly-dry leaves as you knead and squeeze the salt into them…
Caught red-handed: after tipping out the black, brackish aku juice, it's time to knead them with shiro-umezu, the clear salty ume juice from the pickling crock.
This produces such a beautiful bright red/purple colour...
Finally, the shiso leaves (and that bright red juice) go into the crock on top of the ume fruit, to impart their gorgeous colour and natural preservative properties.
Now we pack them up and leave them to pickle some more, until the end of July — doyo ushi no hi (the Day of the Ox) to be precise.
Lots more about this stage of the umeboshi process on my parallel blog, which I put up last year but which has been reworked and is now called Umeboshi 2014 — here…