In my latest Food Matters column in Friday's Japan Times, I introduce three new (or recently launched) English-language magazines that are offering some interesting in-depth articles on Japanese food culture.
Fool Magazine is great — all about food and the new generation of chefs who are bringing a new dynamism to their restaurants. Its recent Issue 3 included a great piece on Miyamasou, as featured in a post here not so long ago.
Kinfolk, as mentioned, has just launched a Japanese edition (on the right in the image at the top). Although it's not a foodie magazine as such — more a slow-life lifestyle publication — that particular issue (in both languages) included some good articles on Japanese food culture.
That issue also carries an interview with Yuri Nomura, chef and instigator of the wonderful Eatrip restaurant — as reviewed in the Japan TImes earlier this summer — and also director of the documentary movie of the same name.
A few weeks ago I posted about the Kinfolk event that was held in Hayama — first on the beach with the fisherman and afterwards the meal that was prepared by Arimoto-san in Griot. More events are planned this autumn for those in the Tokyo region.
Meanwhile, Asia Eater looks like it will definitely be worth following (so much so I've taken out a digital sub as I don't see it in any Tokyo bookstores).
Besides the piece by Makiko Itoh on wagashi, the first issue included pieces on Tsukiji Market's impending move; and on Yoshihiro Narisawa, a chef who needs absolutely no further introduction on this blog.