A couple of glasses of fino; a platter of fresh-sliced jamon serrano iberico bellota and other charcuterie; and a bowlful of patatas alioli...
a couple of slices of tortilla española...
a ration of juicy albóndigas...
and a bottle of nice Rioja to help it all down.
We had a good evening at Amigo de San Isidro...
in Sangubashi
As the name suggests, this is an offshoot of the now long-gone San Isidro in Shibuya (the Agua tequila bar has taken its place), which itself was a reincarnation of an earlier version in Kita-Aoyama (close to the rugby stadium). Such is the constant cycle of death and reincarnation of bars and restaurants in Tokyo...
There's a web site here.
and a tabelog map here.