I was in the neighbourhood, so I dropped by the OPENharvest pop-up in Shibuya on Tuesday. It was so much fun I made it to the next one the following day in Shinjuku.
The Shibuya pop-up was spread over four locations, including the wonderful Papa Bubble (so good it demands a separate post; coming soon). But it was the one-day only yatai — actually a catering truck called Pablo — that drew the biggest crowd.
The menu was very simple: risotto with asari clams and eda mame; and deep-fried iwashi (sardine) sandwiches; and Nagisa beer (though that ran out early)...
The line was half an hour long...
...but definitely worth the wait. I was so ready to eat by the time I got there I forgot to take a photo of the food. Take it from me, it tasted great!
Thanks, Masayo and all the crew!
More about OPENharvest (in Japanese) here...