KitKat (or rather Nestlé) have introduced a dark chocolate variation, and — whisper it in private — it's actually pretty good.
The Japanese name for this version is otona no amasa — literally "adult sweetness."
After all the recent white-chocolate-plus-exotic-flavourings versions of this evergreen, newly-hip choco sweet, the semi-bitter taste of the dark chocolate comes as a very welcome development.
This is not Valrohna by a long chalk, and it's still a lot sweeter than I like. But when it comes to konibini chocolate, this is about as good as it's ever going to get whenever those insistent chocoholic cravings hit.
It comes in two styles — a) the classic rectangular boxes with four sticks inside;
and b) an oversize single-bar version...
To me, it's the latter that has the better balance of sweet flaky-crunchy biscuit to chocolate. After all, for us adults it's not the outside layers — the clothes, the chocolate enrobement — that counts. It's what's underneath.
A new guilty little secret...