While his chefs busied themselves in the kitchen, Yoshihiro Narisawa introduced some of his remarkable creations...
One of the first surprises is his "forest bread", which is baked at the table inside super-hot bibimbap-style stone pots. The dough (already proved) is poured in the pot, and scattered with a dusting of fragrant powdered wood (let's give it a poetic name, "flour of the woods"). Then the pot is covered with a heavy block of timber and the dough is left to bake slowly into tasty rolls.
And then there are Narisawa's amazing carbon dishes — whether vegetable (halves of onion on the left); or meat (right), in this case Matsuzawa wagyu.
The black exterior doesn't taste at all of carbon. The meat inside is perfectly cooked, its flavor beautifully sealed in.
As main dishes, unagi with foie gras... and succulent roast pork...
With plenty of desserts and chocolates to round off the afternoon...
(apologies for the poor quality of the photos)