Aussie celebrity chef Bill Granger caused plenty of waves when he decided the location of his first branch outside Sydney. Scenic as it is, the Shichirigahama coast of Kamakura hardly seemed the most obvious choice. Well, the second bills is a lot more mainstream — in the Red Brick Warehouse, right on the Yokohama waterfront.
It's a great fit. Granger told me at the opening that he loves the feel of the location because it's almost like Sydney harbour (well, if you close your eyes and use a healthy dose of imagination).
The Red Brick Warehouse is a tourist destination, sure. But it's also very fine to see the water lapping through those windows or — as soon as it gets warmer — from the open terrace (it's currently enclosed in plastic).
Although I got Granger to pose for a couple of photos in the kitchen, he's definitely not a hands-on chef. But his recipes are just spot on — especially the world-famous scrambled organic eggs, the ricotta pancakes and the sweet corn fritters. Here he's introduced a new Yokohama-only specialty, his Berry Berry Pancakes. The red berry fruits are "for romance" says Granger.
Here's the official link to bills. And here's the link to the Japan Times link... And here's my map link...